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Loopback 2.2.6 _HOT_

In 2.2.6 and earlier, in certain configurations, these requests may hit a heavy-weight dynamic web page and cause unnecessary load on the server. You can avoid this by using mod_rewrite to respond with a redirect when accessed with that specific User-Agent or IP address.

Loopback 2.2.6

With the new DHCP client, if the Pi boots connected to pfSense, there is not even an entry in ifconfig for the adapter, just the loopback adapter. If I connect it to the Netgear and it's switch, then there will be an entry for the adapter and it will grab an entry. Plugging into pfSense will not grab a new address from pfSense, nor will rebooting.

We have a lot of interesting information here. First of all what you always must look for in this output is the Peer LDP Ident. This is the LDP router-id of the neighbor. By default this router-id is also used to establish the TCP session between the routers. This is one of the reasons why I wrote earlier that the loopback must be reachable.

  • The first release candidate for version 1.1.20 of the CommonUNIX Printing System ("CUPS") is now available for download fromthe CUPS web site at: accordance with the CUPS Configuration Management Plan,you now have until Friday, September 19th to test this releasecandidate to determine if there are any high-priority problemsand report them using the Software Trouble Report form at: sent to the CUPS newsgroups or mailing lists are notautomatically entered into the trouble report database and willnot influence the final production release of 1.1.20, so it isvery important that you report any problems you identify usingthe form.CUPS 1.1.20 is primarily a bug fix and performance tuningrelease and includes fixes for 64-bit platforms, deadlockproblems in the signal handling code, PDF printing issues, webinterface issues, and various operating system-specific issues.The new release also adds new CUPS API functions for reading andwriting files via HTTP, performing authentication, andcontrolling the required PPD conformance level.Changes in CUPS v1.1.20rc1:The scheduler now waits up to 60 seconds beforerestarting to allow active jobs to complete printingand pending requests to be processed (Issue #226)The web interface did not work on systems where time_tis 64 bits (Issue #262)Added backend tweeks and content-length check from RedHat (Issue #253)The USB backend now uses the 8255 constants instead ofthe standard constants when reporting printer statusbits on Linux (Issue #254)Added new cupsDoAuthentication(), cupsGetFd(),cupsGetFile(), cupsPutFd(), and cupsPutFile() functionsto the CUPS API (Issue #112)The PDF filter always scaled and offset pages; thiscaused problems under MacOS X, so now the "fitplot"option controls whether PDF files are scaled to fitwithin the printable area of the page (Issue #250)The LPD backend did not support the port number in aURI (Issue #247)Some filters didn't properly support boolean options(Issue #249)Landscape PDF files were not always offset by thecorrect amount when rotating (Issue #243)The scheduler could hang in a call to localtime() whenlogging messages from the signal handler (Issue #242)The PDF filter no longer prints form widgets; thisduplicates the behavior of Acrobat Reader (Issue #241)cupsGetPPD() didn't handle a late termination of aHTTP connection with the server (Issue #220)ppdOpen() did not correctly check for "*PPD-Adobe-4."on the first line of a PPD file. This caused incorrectPASS results for some PPD files (Issue #233)cupsEncodeOptions() did not allow boolean options touse "yes" and "on" for true values (Issue #227)The pstops filter only sent the TBCP exit sequence ifit was defined in the JCLEnd attribute in the PPD file(Issue #224)Support for more than 1024 files was broken on Solaris9 (Issue #217)The setgroups() calls now pass in 1 group (theconfigured group) instead of 0 for compatibility withBSD and Darwin (Issue #213)The scheduler's built-in broadcast throttling wasineffective since incoming packets would cause thenext group of outgoing packets to be sent immediatelyrather than waiting for the next time slot (Issue #211)Added a new ppdSetConformance() function to set theconformance requirements for PPD files. Currently onlytwo levels are defined, PPD_CONFORM_RELAXED andPPD_CONFORM_STRICT, and the default is the relaxedlevel (Issue #212)The IPP backend did not correctly execute thepictwpstops filter on OSX (Issue #210)The LPD backend did not set the banner class when the"banner=yes" option was specified in the device URI(Issue #209)The imagetoraster filter did not support all of thepage device attributes (Issue #208)The pdftops filter incorrectly auto-rotated pages whenthe user already had specified the proper orientation(Issue #207)Fixed AIX shared library support (Issue #201)Added support for live testing with Valgrind (STR#193)The CGI programs now collect the list of neededattributes for the class, job, and printer templatefiles (Issue #192)The scheduler now passes the first port that is boundto the local loopback or "any" addresses to the CGIprograms rather than the port that the browserconnected to (Issue #103)The cupstestppd program now checks for badJobPatchFile attributes and incorrect versions of theManufacturer attribute for HP printers (Issue #155)The filter makefile incorrectly installedlibcupsimage.a in the filter directory (Issue #180)The scheduler did not verify that the job historyfiles define the job-priority andjob-originating-user-name attributes (Issue #178)The pstops filter didn't handle poorly-formed binaryPostScript files that had CTRL-D's in them (Issue #156)The ppdOpen*() and cupsLangGet() functions did notmake a copy of the old locale strings when using thePOSIX locale when reading files, which apparentlycaused problems with some implementations of thestandard C library. (Issue #159)The pdftops filter did not work properly with someembedded Type1C fonts (Issue #177)Updated the pdftops filter to be based upon Xpdf2.02pl1 (Issue #191)The scheduler did not reset the group list whenrunning CGI and filter processes (Issue #185)The scheduler no longer calls malloc and free from thesignal handlers (Issue #190)The USB backend now uses the manufacturer and modelstrings if the description string is not available(Issue #174)The ppdOpen functions still supported theVariablePaperSize attribute, which was removed in v4.0of the PPD spec. This caused problems with PPD filesthat relocated the PageSize option to a non-standardgroup (Issue #158)The cups.list file referenced MAN1EXT, MAN3EXT, andMAN5EXT, but none of those were actually defined (STR#147)Chunked requests could cause a Denial of Service ifthe connection is terminated before the first byte ofchunk data is sent/received (Issue #143)Printers with special characters in their names werenot accessible from the web interface (Issue #120)The lpstat command now shows the correct interfacescript or PPD file, if any, for a print queue (Issue #89)The lpstat command now shows the printer-state-messageand printer-state-reasons attributes whenever they arenot blank (Issue #152)The French and German option-conflict.tmpl templatefiles did not get installed (Issue #148)The file did not work when compilingwithout shared libraries (Issue #149)The DSOFLAGS included the LDFLAGS, which causesproblems on at least HP-UX (Issue #150)The fax printer support did not keep track of the faxcapability bit (Issue #144)The appleLangDefault() function could leak a smallamount of memory (Issue #145)The ppdOpen() functions now mirror all normalattributes to the attribute list; previously onlycertain unassigned attributes would be added (STR#139)The ppdEmitJCL() function wrote JCL commands to stdoutinstead of the passed file pointer (Issue #142)The httpGets() function could, in certain states,block waiting for data (Issue #132)The cupsEmitJCL() function not outputs an empty @PJLcommand after the PJL language escape to work aroundbugs in certain PJL implementations (Issue #131)The cupsEmit*() functions didn't set the orientationvalue properly (Issue #127)The cups.spec file didn't list the rc2.d initdirectory or the cupstestppd file (Issue #134)

  • The third release candidate for version 1.1.19 of the CommonUNIX Printing System ("CUPS") is now available for download fromthe CUPS web site at: accordance with the CUPS Configuration Management Plan,you now have until Monday, May 12th to test this releasecandidate to determine if there are any high-priority problemsand report them using the Software Trouble Report form at: sent to the CUPS newsgroups or mailing lists are notautomatically entered into the trouble report database and willnot influence the final production release of 1.1.19, so it isvery important that you report any problems you identify usingthe form.CUPS 1.1.19 adds support for fast reconfiguration, optionretension and defaulting when adding and modifying printers,binary PostScript printing, fax device features, custom webapplications via CGI, PHP, Java, and Python, and simplescripting support for Java, Perl, and PHP. The new release alsocontains bug fixes including the LPD printing and Solaris signalhandling bugs.Changes in CUPS v1.1.19rc3:The scheduler could get in an infinite loop cancellingjobs using "cancel -u user dest" (Issue #48)The "cancel -u user" command did nothing (it shouldcancel all jobs on all printers owned by the nameduser - Issue #48)The scheduler would write 0-length job control files(Issue #46)Updated the French man pages (translation provided byGilles QUERRET)The scheduler would delete all printers fromprinters.conf if a job was active when a HUP signalwas handled (Issue #47)The cups-polld program would leak memory if it wasunable to send browse packets to the loopbackinterface (Issue #40)The scheduler did not put thejob-originating-host-name attribute in the jobattributes group.The text filter did not default to wrapping text asdefined by the IPP implementation document.Scan backends first, PPDs second (Issue #37)Updated the Netatalk documentation in the SAM (Issue #38and #39)The test suite sent text files to a non-PS print queue,which requires ESP Ghostscript (provided separately).Now send the JPEG test file (Issue #33)The test suite did not show the estimated disk spacerequirements (Issue #33)The test suite did not set the MaxLogSize directive to0 to prevent log file rotation (Issue #33)The test suite still setup the old CUPS Ghostscriptsymlinks (Issue #33)The pstops filter did not report the correct number ofcopies for the page_log file when printing collatedcopies to a printer that doesn't support them inhardware (Issue #32)cupsLangGet() needs to set the CTYPE locale to "C"(POSIX) to avoid erroneous tolower/toupper values (fixsuggested by Bjoern Jacke)Fixed a typo in the file.Updated all of the Western European locales to defaultto ISO-8859-15 (for Euro support, suggested by BjoernJacke)Updated the German message catalog (update provided byBjoern Jacke)



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