什麼是「語言發展遲緩」? 幫助孩子發展語言的12個技巧!
如果孩子目前的語言能力不符合上述「語言發展里程碑」,就可能是發展遲緩的警訊,建議就醫檢查。例如:第一個詞彙出現較晚,或是過度使用「這個」、「那個」、「東西」等詞彙,詞彙學習速度較慢;或是語法有障礙,出現顛倒或混淆等不合語法的句子, 例如:「我釣魚」講成「魚釣我」或「釣我魚」;會說的句子長度也較其他同年齡的孩子短;或是在語用上,說話不合情境或措詞不當、缺乏分析社會情境的能力、溝通技巧不佳,例如在老師面前說「老師胖得像豬」,這也是自閉症孩子較容易出現的問題。
The benefits of independent reading and writing
Creating time and space for independent exploration and creation of texts allows children to experiment with emergent reading and writing behaviours without adult support.
Independent reading and writing can help develop children’s sense of ownership over their skills and provide some quiet time where children can work and explore uninterrupted, at their own pace.
4 Types of Parenting Styles and Their Effects on Kids
Your parenting style can affect everything from how much your child weighs to how she feels about herself. It's important to ensure your parenting style is supporting healthy growth and development because the way you interact with your child and how you discipline her will influence her for the rest of her life. Researchers have identified four types of parenting styles:
* Authoritarian
* Authoritative
* Permissive
* Uninvolved
Each style takes a different approach to raising children and can be identified by a number of different characteristics.
What Children Lose When Their Brains Develop Too Fast
The great Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget used to talk about “the American question.” In the course of his long career, he lectured around the world, explaining how children’s minds develop as they get older. When he visited the U.S., someone in the audience was sure to ask, “But Prof. Piaget, how can we get them to do it faster?”
Today it’s no longer just impatient Americans who assume that faster brain and cognitive development is better. Across the globe, as middle-class “high investment” parents anxiously track each milestone, it’s easy to conclude that the point of being a parent is to accelerate your child’s development as much as possible. Both parents and policy makers increasingly push preschools to be more like schools.
A wave of new research shows, however, that this picture is far too simple. A slower, longer, more nurturing childhood may actually be the best way to prepare for adulthood. Developing grown-up skills also matters, of course, but a long childhood is itself one key to a flourishing adult life.
澳大利亚的全国医疗监管机构——医疗用品管理局(Therapeutic Goods Administration ,TGA)已批准12岁及以上人群接种辉瑞疫苗,但政府尚在等待疫苗专家技术小组(ATAGI)的建议,从而确定12至15岁青少年的接种资格。